
Snow Safety

Resort Information

At Perisher, the safety of our guests and staff are paramount. Please read the following information carefully, in particular, the Alpine Responsibility Code. This code is an initiative of all Australian ski and board resorts implemented for the safety of everyone. 

Things to Know Gefore You Go:

Getting Here

Getting here

There are a few alternative modes of transport to make your way to Perisher. We recommend using the Skitube from Bullocks Flat, it only takes 10 minutes to arrive in Perisher, making it the quickest and most reliable way to travel to and from Perisher Valley. Or, look into catching the Snowy Mountains Bus Service that runs 7 days a week to make your trip as smooth as possible. 

Perisher is located within the Kosciuszko National Park (KNP) and National Parks and Wildlife Service Park Use Fees apply when your vehicle enters the KNP. Pass Use Fees are listed on the NSW Government website. Please note that Park Use Fees are included in the ticket price when travelling on Skitube.

Animals on the road and safe driving

Kangaroos, deer, wallabies and wombats are all common on the roads in our area and not just within the KNP. They can be hard to see and their behaviour cannot be predicted. It is best to slow your speed and be ready to stop to avoid an accident if you see an animal on or near the road.

Please drive to the conditions

The road to Perisher is one of the highest in the country and during winter can be prone to variable weather conditions, including snowfalls, ice, fog and strong winds. Drive defensively and practice courteous, safe driving and be prepared for snowy conditions or alternatively travel on the Skitube and generally avoid the hazards listed above.

Snow chains

The law requires you to carry properly fitting snow chains for your tyres whenever you enter the KNP if you not own a 4WD or AWD. There are many chain hire outlets located in Cooma, Berridale and Jindabyne. Make sure you know how to fit the chains properly, and always fit chains to the drive wheels of your car. Take care when fitting chains on the roadside and observe all regular road regulations and directions. Please monitor the road report for more information on periods when snow chains are required.

  1. When hiring chains, first know the tyre code and dimensions which are found on the outside of your tyres.
  2. Pack a waterproof blanket to lie on and keep your gloves accessible
  3. Practice fitting the chains before leaving home or at the hire outlet.
Clothing and Protection


Alpine weather is unpredictable and conditions can change quickly. Wear your clothing in layers with insulating clothes on the inside and wind and waterproof clothing on the outer to protect yourself from alpine weather. Several thin layers made of wool or synthetic fibres have insulating properties and are better than thick bulky layers. Never wear jeans, cotton or nylon as these materials will not provide enough protection. Body heat is lost from the head, feet and hands so it is important to wear beanies, warm long thin woollen socks and waterproof gloves.
TIP: Quality waterproof outer jackets and pants may be hired from our resort however due to health regulations you will need to purchase your own gloves and beanies.

Sun protection for both your skin and eyes

The strength of UV rays at altitude is far stronger than at sea level and the reflective effects of snow can double this strength. This means that even on cloudy days, to avoid severe sunburn and the frightening effects of snow blindness, please ensure you are always wearing a high SPF (minimum of 30+) broadband sunscreen and sunglasses or goggles meeting Australian Standards for UV protection.


Perisher recommends wearing a helmet certified for snowsport activities. Skiers and snowboarders are encouraged to educate themselves on the benefits and limitations of helmets. The primary safety consideration, and obligation under the Alpine Responsibility Code, is to ski and ride in a controlled and responsible manner. Helmets are a great idea and are compulsory in all Children's lessons at Perisher.

See for useful information on snowsports helmets.

Mountain Safety:

Skiing, Snowboading, Tobogganing and Terrain Park

Electronic device usage

Perisher advises that the use of electronic devices including mobile phones, music players and headphones can reduce your ability to concentrate and hear other people and over snow vehicles. It greatly increases the likelihood of injury from a collision or while using lifts. Additionally those skiers and riders who like to listen to music while riding, please don't have the volume so loud that you are unable to hear someone calling out and please use extra caution by looking more regularly around you.

Blind spots and avoiding collisions

Skiers and boarders love to enjoy the mountains together, however the patterns of movement and the field of vision differs between the two. It is found that skiers and boarders who change their pattern of turns or general direction of travel without looking toward their blind spot cause most collisions. That being said skiers and boarders should be aware of other's blind spots and avoid being in those areas just in case.  Basically, give each other a lot more room.


Toboggans are prohibited on all Perisher ski slopes.

Runaway skis and boards

Runaway skis and boards are a danger to all. Please ensure that you use proper devices to prevent runaway equipment. Boards and Telemark skis without brakes need to be secured when they are left unattended or placed on racks. A leash can be used to prevent the equipment running away.

Mountain Signage and Run Difficulty


Please read, respect and obey all trail and warning signage including area closures and resort boundaries. These signs have been put in place for your safety.
A free trail guide detailing this information is available on request from ticket offices anywhere in Perisher.

SLOW ZONES are designated high traffic or learner areas where there is a greater chance of a collision. We ask that all skiers and riders ride responsibly and within your ability, at a slow speed and are able to stop and keep clear of other people.

  • Green runs are usually busy and full of inexperienced people and children. Their movements are unpredictable and a collision especially between an adult and a child can result in serious injuries.
  • Please do not pass too close to others. Let's create a fun, safe and happy environment for all our skiers and boarders.
  • Be realistic about your ability. Stay on runs that challenge your skills but let you stay in control of your speed and equipment.

Difficulty of runs at Perisher

All resorts grade their runs however it should be noted that grading is indicative of the relative difficulty of terrain in a specific resort. Perisher also has Double Blue and Double Black designated runs that indicate a higher level of difficulty than a standard single Blue or Black run. The number of days practice indicated below required to attempt the green, blue and black runs at Perisher is for general guidance only and is based on the average progression of a person of average skill and ability under the guidance of a professional snowsports instructor. This will vary from person to person depending on their athleticism and ability.

Green green Easiest terrain most suitable for beginners.  Usually accessible the first or second day under the guidance of a qualified snowsports instructor.

Blue blue  More difficult or intermediate terrain. Usually accessible after the 3rd or 4th day of consistent practice and under the guidance of a qualified snowsports instructor

Black black  Most difficult or advanced terrain. Only accessible after consistent practice and under the guidance of a qualified snowsports instructor for some weeks or months.

This guidance is provided to better inform our guests as to the time and effort it takes to be able to safely attempt different runs at Perisher. First Timers who don't know how to stop or turn cannot get on a chair lift and safely come down. There is a high potential to cause an injury to yourself or other people. Take a lesson and start on the flat areas first.

Please don't allow friends or relatives to push you to attempt a run you are not ready for. This is very common and often results in injuries and a level of stress and fear that can ruin your snow holiday.

Understand that the speeds at which you travel while skiing or snowboarding is higher than you may think. It is very easy for children and adults who are beginners to travel at speeds over 35 km/ph. As confidence builds, speed increases and many skiers and boarders travel at speeds between 50 and 70 km/ph consistently. This is as fast as a car travels but skiers and boarders don't have the protection of antilock brakes, seatbelts or airbags etc.

That's why we ask that all levels of skiers and riders consider the benefits of taking lessons, using helmets and to please slow to an acceptable speed in Slow Zones. A slower speed helps to avoid a collision and provides a good example for children. The Alpine Responsibility Code's first rule is to stay in control, be able to stop and avoid other people and objects. This rule is in place for good reason and along with the rest of the ARC they help everyone have a fun, safe and fantastic snow holiday.

Terrain parks and freestyle terrain signange


"Smart Style" is a recent safety initiative in North America that is being promoted by the National Ski Area Association (NSAA) and Burton Boards.

The Smart Style initiative promotes that riders fully understand the feature and the prevailing conditions before attempting any manoeuvres. This means that persons using freestyle terrain need to examine all features before use and satisfy themselves that they have the knowledge, skills and ability to attempt the feature

 MAKE A PLAN Every time you use freestyle terrain, make a plan for each feature you want to use. Your speed, approach and take off will directly affect your manoeuvre and landing.

look before you leap

LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP - Scope around the jumps first, not over them. Know your landings are clear and clear yourself out of the landing area.

easy style it

EASY STYLE IT - Start small and work your way up. (Inverted aerials not recommended).

respect gets respect

RESPECT GETS RESPECT - Respect for the mountain and each other.


small medium large

These orange oval signs are posted at the start of a terrain park to show the size of the features in the terrain park allowing inexperienced riders to work on their skills before moving up to bigger features in the appropriate environment for their skill level.

 More information on this initiative is available from the NSAA and Burton Boards.

Further Information:

  • - useful information on safety in the alpine area.
  • - This site is maintained by the National Ski Areas Association, USA (NSAA) and contains useful information on the use of helmets.
  • Lift usage policy (below).

Lift Usage

Please reffer to the Lift Loading and Usage Policy

Food and water

Food provides energy for active adventure activities. It is necessary for maintain movement and body temperature in a cold environment. Make sure you eat a good breakfast, consider eating a little more than usual and certainly drink more water than usual. Stop when you are tired and do not consume alcohol when skiing or boarding.

Thunderstorms and lightning

In the event of lightning storms in the vicinity of Perisher, chairlifts and t-bars are closed as necessary for the safety of guests and staff.  Perisher staff will direct guests and you are encouraged to return to buildings and shelters during the storm. Lift and resort facilities will be reopened once the storm has passed.

The use of drones in Perisher

A drone may also be known as a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and the recreational or commercial use of drones must be carried out safely and in accordance with the law.    A drone is considered an aircraft and the rules governing the use of drones are set out in the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (C’th), which is administered by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). 

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service have also published a policy regarding the use of drones within National Parks which may be accessed at this link. Perisher is concerned about the safety of our guests as well as ensuring we meet our compliance obligations and have published a policy on the use of drones within Perisher Ski Resort which is available at this link.

Perisher Assistance Animal Policy

This Policy sets out Perisher’s requirements in relation to assistance animals, balancing the rights and obligations, and the health and safety, of people with assistance animals and other resort guests and employees, as well as assistance animals. Full policy here.


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6519 PSR L4 AlpineResponsibility CodeUpdate Oct14
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Perisher Blue Pty. Limited
Lift Usage Policy

Persons who behave in an unacceptable manner when using a ski lift, who place themselves and other persons in danger, who ignore instructions from lift staff, or who ignore the Alpine Responsibility Code or Perisher’s Lift Usage Policy when loading, riding and unloading a lift may have their lift access cancelled or suspended. Alpine Responsibility Code Point 3:

“You must have the ability to use each lift safely.  If in doubt ask for help”.

Comply with the Code by adhering to the following:

All Lifts:

  1. Obey all signage and instructions from Lift Operators.
  2. Do not load or attempt to load onto a lift when the Lift Operator is not in attendance at the loading point.
  3. You must have the ability to move to the load point, ride and unload unassisted
  4. You are not permitted to load onto any lift carrying a baby or small child in a harness or carrier backpack
  5. You are not permitted to load onto any lift if carrying a baby or small child in your arms.
  6. If you require assistance, speak to a Lift Operator.
  7. Snowboarders must have their back foot released from the binding for loading, riding and unloading.
  8. Ensure your clothing and equipment are secured before loading and that it is free before unloading the lift.
  9. Only load or unload at a designated load or unload station*.
  10. Move to the loading point promptly.
  11. Automatic Gates – be ready to move forward before the gate
  12. Move away from the unload area promptly.

Chair Lifts:

  1. Remove bulky backpacks and cushioning devices and hold them on your lap so they do not impede your ability to properly sit back in the chair.
  2. When loading, do not hang off or hold the back of the preceding chair.
  3. Sit back in the chair properly.
  4. The restraining device must be lowered when riding the chairlift
  5. Do not:
    • Swing or bounce the chair.
    • Stand, kneel or lie on the chair.
    • Drop or throw anything including snow or snowballs from the chair.
  6. If you fail to unload at the designated unload point, stay on the chair, and do not jump from the Chair.
  7. Small children that need to be carried to load, ride or unload the chairlift are not permitted to ride.

T Bars and J Bars:

  1. Always ensure your skis or board are pointing uphill at all times.
  2. Do not:
    • Zigzag up the lift track.
    • Swing out of the lift track (this can cause the haul rope to fall).
    • Straddle the T Bar when riding.

Skier Conveyors:

  1. Riders must have skis or board ON while riding the conveyor**.
  2. Persons must not walk up the sideboards of the skier conveyor to help or offer advice to riders.
  3. Remain standing at all times. Do not sit down on the conveyor.
  4. Snow skates are not allowed on skier conveyors.

**Riders participating in a Snowsports School lesson, when directed by their Instructor, may ride the carpet in ski or board boots, but only under the supervision of the Instructor.

Early dismount from T-Bar or J Bar:

The only time early dismount is allowed from any T bar or J Bar is when the lift has been officially shortened and the disembark point has been established at an alternate lower location.  This may occur in low snow years and early or late in the season. 

In an emergency, early dismount may be required if staff are attending to an incident; however this must be done only when it is safe to do so.

  Riders are PROHIBITED from dismounting early from the following T bars AT ANY TIME:

  • Wentworth
  • Blaxland
  • Lawson

Foot Passengers:

The Perisher Express Quad Chairlift is the only chairlift at Perisher that is available for use by foot passengers. To be able to ride as a foot passenger each person must be able to walk unassisted to and from the chairlift, and load and unload the chairlift unassisted.

Foot passengers are limited to staff working for the licensee at the Mid Station Restaurant.

Other chairlifts maybe used for foot passengers in exceptional circumstances. (eg: downloading a guest with faulty equipment).

Other Devices:

Snow bikes, scooters, snow skates, sled dogs (ski boots with ski base on the sole of the boot), speed riding (paragliding with skis) and kite boarding are not permitted on lifts.


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Violation of the
will result in the following penalties

All Lift Tickets including Season Pass Holders

All violations will be recorded on the Mountain Safety Database with the person's name and lift ticket details

1st Offence - For all Lift passes including Season Passes:

Recorded and verbal warning.

  • Obtain the pass number.
  • Write the pass number on the Mountain Safety Report.
  • Radio/phone Mountain Administration with the pass number to check if a previous offence has been recorded. If so, go to 2nd offence procedures.
  • If not, have Mountain Administration record the pass number now.
  • Complete the Mountain Safety Report, noting that a warning was given.
  • Give a verbal warning.
  • Accompany the verbal warning with an explanation of the Alpine Responsibility Code.
  • Ask the person if he/she understood what was being explained.
  • Inform the person that subsequent repetition may result in the pass being suspended or cancelled, and if a staff member, he/she may lose staff privileges.
  • Send Mountain Safety Report to Mountain Administration as soon as possible to have the records updated.

For a severe offence go to 2nd offence procedures.

2nd Offence - For all Lift Tickets including Season Passes:

2nd record on Mountain Safety Database will result in suspension of lift access for a period to be determined by the Mountain Manager.

3rd record on Mountain Safety Database will result in cancellation of lift access for the winter season or remaining period of pass validity.

In the case of staff, further violations will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


Perisher Blue Pty Limited ACN 061 232 488

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